Welcome to Cambodia – the world housing famous Ancient Temples and beautiful landscapes. TRIPADVISOR
Cambodia Taxi is a team of drivers who have been working and providing transport services throughout
Cambodia since 2005.
Are you over sitting in a bus for 8 to 10 hours to travel 314 km?
We have 15 members in team, all are good friends, and my name is Khen, the founder & leader of the
team. We oer daily private transport via car, SUV and mini van from/to Phnom Penh and Siem Reap.
We all speak English and are fully licensed drivers. With over 10 years experiences in taking travellers
around Cambodia, we know the road conditions very well and as a result, have brought our guests to
their destinations safely.
If you choose our taxi service from Phnom Penh – Siem Reap, you will save a lot of time and see plenty of
interesting sights along the way such as country rice paddies, farm animals such as cows & bualoes,
village with fried spiders and crickets!
Our team look forward to serving you in the same way we have served all of our customers that is, from
the heart